Products can be ordered by email, or post and payment made by cheque, debit or credit card over the telephone, Paypal [I will send you a Paypal Invoice] or internet banking [I will send you an invoice with the bank details].
Please go to the 'Range so far' where you will see that each product has an add button.
1. Click the add button and the product/s you wish to buy will be added to the Shopping List located in the top right corner
2. When you have finished shopping click the send button to complete your contact details and click send again.
3. I will confirm receipt of the order, the cost of postage and ask how you would like to pay.
Alternatively you can telephone your order using the product codes, or descriptions. If you are planning to come to one of the Events listed below we look forward to meeting you.
Show calendar for 2025 so far
Festival of Hounds – 17th July
'please check the above information and Event status with organisers'